If the doctors have to give you Drugs directly into your Muscles they call this an Intramuscular injection. They are sometimes short for as “IM” with people. Your medicine goes through the needle and into your muscle. The medicine might work better and faster in your body this way, but it can sometimes burn a little when they put it in.
Types of injection sites in the body The thigh, buttock and upper arm are most often used to administer insulin injections. All of these places can be great to meet certain people and situationally. For instance, if you are a smaller person the thigh may be a better site for receiving the injection as opposed to in your buttocks. The thigh can be harder to get at than the upper arm if you're giving yourself this injection.
But there are also parts of it where the injection should never reach. The simplest example is that you must not inject in a vein or even less in an artery. This is critical because the medication should only enter your bloodstream as a last resort. Before injection planning consult with your doctor where to inject the medicine. Your health physician may suggest which area might be best for you!
There are two things to always keep in mind when you yourself or someone else is giving an injection: Before you inject your skin, it has to be clean. You can do this by washing the area with soap and water, or using an alcohol swab (a small pad soaked in alcohol). Clean this well before you give the injection and ensure that it is completely dry.
Moreover, it is always advisable to select an area where there are less nerve and blood vessels present. If the site in an area where there are a lot of nerves or blood vessels, more likely that it will hurt toget stuck than what necessary. They should also select an up a place that you can easily target, especially if your injecting yourself.
If you have to give more than one shot, it is really important to rotate your location. This is a process known as site rotation. Inject into different areas (as well as not only in the hand) to prevent excess damage of muscles and proper use of medicine. Also, do not use the same car park again for a few days. This period of waiting allows the muscle to heal properly using step 2 and maybe even less time.
Your upper arm: The back of your thighs and buttocks because the medicine from all these locations on different times to suit you - plus, reverse side before itNINGULIN injections for up into 30 seconds. Yetto cause the injection in to your buttocks may be difficult and complex, as well as it might tricky for you to check if the needle gets at on place or otherwise. The deltoid is a good site due to the general lack of pain when giving IM injections in this muscle group, but you may be limited if self-injecting.