Have you seen a doctor or nurse deliver medicine through an IV and use something called a "2-way stopcock"? It is a very critical function and when they open them, liquids would rush through the tubes. Just like you click open your kitchen sink when water comes out and click closed it to stop, a 3 vejs stophane by U MED works the same but instead of chocolate going inside your two up clamped shut baby bottle lids doctors and nurses chose how much medicine goes in. It is why they only provide you with a particular measured dose of the medication — enough to keep your body going, but never an atom more.
En 2-vejs stophane bruges til at lette den medicinske proces. Medicin og væsker behøver ikke længere at blive leveret gennem adskillige slanger eller nåle; de kan nu alle styres fra samme punkt med en U MED enkelt 2-vejs stophane. Det kan hjælpe din sundhedsplejerske med at spare tid, og det kan udmønte sig i optimal pleje for dig. En ventileret 2-vejs stophane kan også reducere angst i en PD-udveksling, da det forenkler en følelsesmæssigt udfordrende tid hos ængstelige yngre patienter, som typisk ville frygte medicinske procedurer.
Du har måske set disse på hospitalerne, generelt brugt, men når de er en del af nogle laboratorieapplikationer, er det nyttigt. To-vejs stophaner bruges i vid udstrækning i eksperimentelle omgivelser for at lette nøjagtig opløsningsflowkontrol. Dette kan simpelthen skyldes, at de ønsker at undersøge væskeblanding eller flyder sammen, og vil kun kræve ekstremt præcis kontrol over individuelle væskeredigering. På denne måde kan de kontrollere, hvor meget væske der strømmer fra deres prøver med en stophane ventiler. Der er en information indeholdt i denne linje for en videnskabsmand, den fortæller forskerne om, hvad væsker gør ved grænsefladen mellem forskellige typer væske.
The other of a million uses for U MED 2-way stopcock includes its role in helping doctors to check on the amount of medicine they are dispensing at any particular time. Correct Dosage -Calibrating is making sure certain medicines are not being administered in a large quantity as that can be poisonous. It reduces the amount of water that goes out, and it allows them to open how much just flows up/down. When done properly, this method guarantees that mistakes will be made and patients should not get harmed.
The samples that are taken in the test by doctors must be so clean, even a small dirt can disturb an foreign thing and then the result may change. Even worse, if a sample is contaminated it could lead to false prevention messages given to patients. These samples are meant to be tested, so you need the liquid flowing into and out of them both ways in a way where one only allow through it (a stophane ventil), hvis ikke, kan du introducere din prøve med noget, der gør dette mindre pålideligt. Jeg tror, det er indlysende, hvorfor læger ønsker konsistens.
The diverse product range of Changzhou U-med Co., Ltd is designed to 2-way stopcock the various needs of the medical industry that provides high-quality and reliable solutions for all kinds of needs.
2-way stopcock in 1999 Changzhou U-med Co Ltd has earned itself a reputable reputation as a producer of OEM disposable plastic and rubber medical consumables Based in Changzhou City Jiangsu Province our company is equipped with the latest production technology and purification workshops that are 100 000 levels ensuring superior product quality Our dedication to quality is demonstrated in our state-of-the-art technology for visual inspection as well as ISO13485 conformance The combination of our modern manufacturing facilities and an agile and efficient organizational structure allows us to swiftly adapt to market shifts and make swift informed choices We are privileged to be been praised by numerous world-class clients and consider ourselves a model for rapid and healthy growth within the field Our extensive after-sales services enhances the trust of our customers by swiftly addressing any issues faced during use of the product
wide 2-way stopcock products created meet wide range medical demands products result cutting-edge technology unique manufactured method deliver outstand performance make sure customers access top-quality medical supplies low cost while still reasonable price commitment high-quality evident every product that meets various customer demands precision
vores eftersalgsteam vil 2-vejs stophane hurtigt til og løse eventuelle problemer, kunder måtte støde på under produktbrug, denne proaktive tilgang vil sikre en jævn og tilfredsstillende kundeoplevelse, som forstærker vores forpligtelse til kundetilfredshed og fremme langsigtet tillid