Якщо ви коли-небудь звертаєтесь до лікарні чи клініки, лікарі та медсестри використовують багато машин та інструментів, щоб допомогти вам почуватися краще. З’єднувач замка для приманки або U MED стерильні роз'єми luer lock is one of these essential tools.
Перехресне зараження – це просто модне слово для мікробів, які поширюються з одного місця в інше. Однією з головних проблем із цим буде те, що якщо це лікарняне ліжко, ви можете захворіти або навіть заразитися інфекцією. Не поширюйте інфекцію далі, змащуйте тільки чистими роз’ємами замка «мама-мама». Це U MED стерильні роз'єми luer lock is actually produced in a hospital clean room environment.
Зверніть увагу на звивисту частину посередині цих двох U MED жіночий роз'єм Luer Lock, that is what we refer to as lure lock; it prevents from both ends to untwist. These two tubes twist and lock in place, seen here. If the lure lock or tubes are dirty, have an insect on it and germs so that could make a patient sick. Because of this using pure connectors is very important just to keep the patients secure and wholesome.
У лікарнях і медичних закладах лікарі та медсестри завжди поруч, щоб забезпечити вашу безпеку. Ось чому вони використовують U MED жіночий роз'єм Luer Lock, these being clean female-female. These special connectors are used to keep the tubes that go into your body during treatment (IV lines) germfree.
Роз'єми Luer Lock Female-Female є життєво важливими компонентами медичних інструментів, які використовуються лікарями та медсестрами. Вони зберігають здоров’я пацієнтів протягом кожного лікування. З чистим U MED роз'єм luer-lock типу "жінка-жінка"., doctors and nurses can reduce the risks of germs and infections that may compromise an individual from healing.
Sterile female-female luer lock connectors in 1999 Changzhou U-med Co Ltd has earned itself a reputable reputation as a producer of OEM disposable plastic and rubber medical consumables Based in Changzhou City Jiangsu Province our company is equipped with the latest production technology and purification workshops that are 100 000 levels ensuring superior product quality Our dedication to quality is demonstrated in our state-of-the-art technology for visual inspection as well as ISO13485 conformance The combination of our modern manufacturing facilities and an agile and efficient organizational structure allows us to swiftly adapt to market shifts and make swift informed choices We are privileged to be been praised by numerous world-class clients and consider ourselves a model for rapid and healthy growth within the field Our extensive after-sales services enhances the trust of our customers by swiftly addressing any issues faced during use of the product
The broad range of products from Changzhou U-med Co., Ltd is designed to meet the different requirements of the medical Sterile female-female luer lock connectors, offering reliable and high-performance solutions across the board.
broad product range is designed to address Sterile female-female luer lock connectors a broad variety of requirements with the medical field leverage unique production processes and cutting-edge technology products deliver exceptional quality and dependability we guarantee customers access to high-quality medical consumables with affordable prices while ma ta g prices that are reasonable every product we offer reflects commitment to quality and we are able to meet the diverse demands with accuracy
our after-sales Sterile female-female luer lock connectors is committed to quickly and efficiently solving any issues customers may experience during product use this proactive approach provides a smooth satisfying customer experience it reinforces our commitment to them and encourages long-term confidence